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Finding life from the ashes: How suffering fuels hope

As humans, there’s nothing so recognisable as human suffering. We go through our lives with a constant bombardment of challenges, battles and misery, while trying to find those small oases of calmness in between. The extent of our perceived suffering depends entirely on circumstances, perspectives, and prior experiences. The sorrows of a child who’s lost…

If you can’t beat them, eat them (the hurtful words)

Of course, not the people, but their hurtful words. As someone whose life didn’t start out like that of the vast majority of people around me, it’s not hard to see why people like me, i.e. adoptees, might want to shy away from being themselves. It’s easy for many to say “of course you should…

Running at the speed of life: With disability as the norm

Let’s get straight to the point here: having a disability doesn’t mean you are completely helpless. It simply means that you are having to learn and do things a bit differently from those around you, and that’s something I have come to learn is not a failure. On the contrary, it makes you more creative,…

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